Psychologists Australia

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Psychologists in Australia

Find a compassionate listener today!

At Talk Your Heart Out (TYHO), our Australian psychologists strive to meet your therapy expectations. 

TYHO’s therapy services are the defining feature for 88% of our clients.

Reach out to us now – we are here for you!

Singapore psychologists at TYHO

Psychologists in Australia: Introduction

Who is a psychologist?

At TYHO, our psychologists in Melbourne are skilled at helping you with several aspects of your life, including:  

  • Managing your emotions 
  • Improving your self-esteem 
  • Helping you adapt and cope with significant life transitions (eg changing careers) 
  • Addressing and managing mental health conditions 

A psychologist in Australia is a mental health professional at TYHO who can help you assess, diagnose, manage, and treat your personal and professional problems.  

People often consult a psychologist when they experience persistent sadness (eg feeling sad for no reason) and agitation – especially when they cannot control these emotions.  

Additionally, some also seek help to improve their interpersonal abilities. These could include developing communication skills, assertiveness, and confidence.  

Similarly, people may approach a psychologists in Sydney to cope with job-related stress or solve issues related to closeness and trust in relationships (See: How Do I Tell If He Loves Me).  

Hence, the reasons why people may seek therapy in Australia can vary widely. This means that regardless of the challenges you are facing, with the support of TYHO psychologists, you can solve and cope with them.  

Lastly, psychologists also address mental distress (eg anxiety disorders) that might occur due to physical health conditions. For example, you might struggle with insomnia, difficulty concentrating, or have frequent headaches.  

Your online psychologist might explore the underlying psychological factors of these issues and guide you to the right help.

What does a psychologist do?

At TYHO, our team of skilled psychologists in Adelaide can help you better understand your mental processes (eg why you think and feel the way you do) and your behaviour patterns.    

Your action is usually directly or indirectly related to your mental processes; hence, understanding either of them can help you change the unhelpful patterns.    

Moreover, if you can better understand yourself, you can also work on effectively handling all your problems, achieving your goals, and maintaining relationships.  

Whether you’re dealing with situational challenges (such as stress over financial matters, difficulties in your social circle or at work) or personal struggles (including drastic mood swings, not feeling confident or losing interest in leisure activities or work) – our Australian psychologists are here to assist.   

TYHO psychologists offer online therapy in Australia and several other cities such as Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and more.  

Our Sydney psychologists provide support for managing conditions such as: 

Diagnoses and Assessments

Your online psychologist in Sydney may use evidence-based methods such as cognitive-behavioural therapy and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) to:      

  • Improve your emotional regulation (ie effectively control and manage your emotional response)   
  • Change unhelpful thinking patterns     
  • Improve positive emotional expression methods (eg redirecting uncontrollable emotions towards actions like journalling or meditating)   
  • Build and maintain meaningful relationships     
  • Overcome your procrastination and lack of interest in regular activities     

Our psychologists in Adelaide have the required training to conduct research and psychological evaluations to identify and diagnose any mental health conditions you may be experiencing.    

Psychological Self-Assessment

online psychologist australia


In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel tired out for no good reason?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel so nervous that nothing could calm you down?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel restless or fidgety?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel so restless you could not sit still?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel that everything was an effort?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel so sad that nothing could cheer you up?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel


Self-Assessment Results

Australian psychologists

How Can Therapy Help?

What issues can psychologists help with?

The issues an Australian psychologist can help with are based on their areas of focus and educational background.  

Please visit each psychologist’s full profile and explore the ‘What Therapist Can Help With’ section to see the comprehensive overview of all the issues a psychologist is skilled at.  

Below is the list of mental, emotional, professional, and personal issues that TYHO psychologists in Melbourne are trained to handle:   

  • Emotional dysregulation (ie can’t control or manage your emotions) 
  • Over-sensitive or prone to uncontrollable anger 
  • Stress and exhaustion due to occupational demands 
  • Challenges in communicating effectively and honestly 
  • Uncertainty or instability in one’s career 
  • Intense pressures due to work assignments and tight schedules 
  • Difficulty in establishing social connections 
  • Reduced pleasure or fulfilment in everyday activities 
  • Lack of healthy habits 
  • Issues with anger management 
  • Disorders related to eating habits and body perception 
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 
  • Cyclothymic disorder 
  • Various anxiety disorders (including fears of social situations) 
  • Specific fears or irrational anxieties 
  • Dependency issues (both substance abuse and behavioural dependencies like gambling and excessive shopping) 
  • Chronic stress 
  • Chronic pain (ie effects of trauma on physical health) 
What are some questions to ask a psychologist?

You might have several questions and concerns during the first few therapy sessions.   

At TYHO, all our psychologists in Adelaide are non-judgemental and open to providing you with the best care possible.  

Hence, your psychologist will be more than happy to answer your questions.   

Try to be as honest and unfiltered as possible. You can clarify your doubts regarding therapy homework, therapeutic plans, approaches, and your psychologist’s style of conducting sessions (ie whether they will use one specific approach or draw from multiple tools).  

Do remember that there are no right or wrong questions to ask.  

In fact, clarifying all your doubts regarding therapy can help you prepare better for the sessions. Having clarity can also help you develop a strong and healthy relationship with your counsellor in Australia.   

You can ask questions such as the following:    

  • What is your experience?   
  • Do you have experience addressing issues similar to what I am facing? How broad is that experience?   
  • What methods do you typically use to assist clients in navigating their problems? 
  • How many sessions might be required before I start noticing progress?   
  • When setting therapy goals, what factors do you think are important?  
  • How frequently do you engage in professional consultations with your peers?    
  • Can I share my feedback about therapy sessions and approaches?
What’s it like to see a psychologist?

Seeing a psychologist can be a different experience for everyone.  

The first time you talk to your online psychologist in Perth, you may be discussing some essential and foundational factors of therapy.  

For example, your psychologist may talk to you about confidentiality – which is your right to privacy.  

All information you share during therapy will be private between you and your Therapist. 

However, the only exception is when your Therapist notices that you are in danger to yourself or others.  

During such cases, the professional has a legal obligation to inform your emergency contact person.  

Right after, your psychologist in Melbourne may take a complete psychological assessment of your mental health.  

During the assessments, you may be expected to answer questions related to your life, background, personal history, medical history, family life, etc.  

The assessment is important as it will give your psychologist a complete picture of your life experiences and problems.  

After the test, your psychologist may begin to discuss the therapeutic plan suitable for you. At this stage, you may also discuss the frequency of therapy and how long you may need sessions.  

Usually, a professional may recommend getting sessions weekly or fortnightly as this may help maintain consistency and rapport.  

However, the exact number and frequency can vary based on personal preferences, issues, and suggestions.  

What should I tell my psychologist?

During therapy, you can talk about any topic you want, except those specific areas you’ve set as boundaries with your online psychologist in Sydney.  

For example, you may wish to talk about your sexual identity but may feel uncomfortable discussing your past relationships (eg being in a relationship with a narcissist).       

A good starting point might be to express your current feelings and concerns. This could involve events from just an hour ago or something that occurred earlier in the week.      

For instance, you might want to share your:  

  • Dreams for the future   
  • Hobbies   
  • Relationship with relatives   
  • Interactions with your partner (such as developing achievable goals as a couple 
  • Sexual identity   
  • Challenges in friendships (like coping with loneliness)   

You can also mention emotions that are troubling you, even if you struggle to define or articulate them.    

Your emotional responses are quite similar to physical symptoms. Imagine not drinking water for more than 6 hours. You might start to feel cranky and annoyed but wouldn’t quickly realise that that’s due to lack of water.    

Similarly, you may often feel irritable or angry – but it can be hard to pinpoint these emotions at the time of distress.   

Try to talk about your immediate and present feelings and thoughts, especially when you are already at the psychologist.  

What emotions are you feeling right now? You may be feeling sad, irritated, anxious, or maybe even calm. 

Concentrate on your current emotions and initiate a discussion about it. Your need for therapy may stay the same throughout all your sessions or may vary on a day-to-day basis.   

Therefore, feel free to talk about whatever feels significant to you at any given time.   

counselling in Singapore
Online psychologists Australia - TYHO

Psychological Services in Australia

In the below section, you will find more information about mental health issues we help with and our therapy services. Click on the link of each service to read more!

Therapy Services

Depression therapists in Australia

Depression Therapy

Our counsellors will help you manage emotions, overcome sadness, and help you rediscover joy in life.

Counsellors in Australia

Counselling Services

TYHO counsellors are vetted for their compassion, expertise, and commitment to your well-being and growth.

Australian therapists


Experts can help you manage stress and worry, and learn scientific tools to increase calmness and resilience.

Couples therapist Australia

Couples Therapy

Navigate couple issues like arguments and disconnect. Improve your love life with the help of our counsellors.

Psychotherapists in Australia

Psychotherapy Services

Explore the root causes of your issues, and learn therapeutic tools for personal development.

What to Expect at the Psychologist

Therapy can be scary.

Knowing what to expect from a psychologist in Australia will help you relax and prepare for your first session. 

In this section, you can find information about:

  • What to expect from the psychologist
  • Diverse Therapeutic Services
  • Empowermental and growth after seeking therapy
  • Comprehensive support you can receive
  • How therapy can help you become more self-reliant
Australian psychologists

You will receive guidance and unconditional support during therapy at TYHO.  

TYHO psychologists in Melbourne might use therapeutic interventions such as cognitive restructuring to help you replace negative thoughts with healthy ones.  

Your psychologist can help you with problems like: 

  • Coping with death of someone you love 
  • Navigating through marital separation 
  • Dealing with pre-emptive grief 
  • Overcoming the loss of a close friend 

The idea is that your psychologist might choose either one or several therapeutic approaches based on several factors, including: 

  • Your presenting problems 
  • Presence of any co-existing conditions 
  • Psychologist's expertise and specialisation 
  • Your therapy goals 
  • Timeline to achieve your goals 

At TYHO, we offer short- and long-term support for any challenges you may face at any point in your life.  

Short-term therapy can help you if: 

  • You experience difficulties in your personal or professional relationships 
  • You wish to improve your assertiveness  
  • You want to work on your self-esteem 

Long-term therapy can help you deal with: 

  • Past negative experiences from childhood (PTSD)  
  • Lack of self-awareness  

Our team of online psychologists in Adelaide are skilled in both short-term and long-term therapeutic techniques.  

You can attend therapy sessions either through online audio or video calls. Rest assured, your confidentiality will be maintained in all types of therapy modes.  

Lastly, therapy in Australia can also help you with personal, relationship, and family issues.  

For example, our TYHO couple Therapists use techniques like the Gottman method to help with:  

  • Relationship conflicts like arguments  
  • Regular disagreements with your partner 
  • Reduced emotional connection and intimacy 
  • Different or opposing viewpoints on topics like political beliefs and financial management 

Moreover, if you face family conflicts, our family Therapists are here to support you.  

Our online Australian psychotherapists might use systemic family therapy approaches to address problems, including:  

  • Familial disagreements 
  • Communication breakdowns across different generations 
  • Challenges in maintaining open and transparent interactions 
  • Competition among siblings 
  • Parental and caregiver stress 
  • Navigating the complexities of ageing and ongoing health conditions 

Our goal is to empower you to be independent and handle life's challenges, even well after your therapy ends.  

All TYHO psychologists in Sydney view their clients as capable of making their own decisions and doing their best for themselves.  

Thus, in our therapy sessions, you will be in charge and set immediate and long-term goals aligning with your values and needs. 

However, remember that everyone’s journey to mental wellness may look different. You can meet some goals quickly, within a handful of sessions, while other goals might take a much longer time.  

Nevertheless, you'll soon start to observe positive transformations in your life after attending therapy regularly.  

At TYHO, our online Australian psychologists place your needs above everything else and will celebrate all your therapy milestones with you. 

Feel free to talk to your psychologist about it if you feel like you are not progressing.   

This honesty allows the counsellor to fine-tune your therapeutic plan for maximum effectiveness.  

During therapy, you can look forward to benefits such as:  

  • Improved self-confidence and esteem 
  • Healthy tools for dealing with interpersonal challenges 
  • Greater self-awareness and acceptance 
  • Healthier habits and constructive thinking patterns 

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications do you need to be a psychologist in Australia?

Our Australian psychologists have a minimum of a master’s in counselling.    

Moreover, we have a strict selection process. We only select the best and most professional psychologists.    

We assess the psychologist for soft skills like:    

  • Empathy    
  • Open-mindedness   
  • Non-judgementalism   
  • Sensitive to different cultures and backgrounds 
What are the differences between psychiatrists and psychologists?

The two major differences are: 

  • Psychiatrists are medical doctors and can prescribe medications. Psychologists are not medical doctors.  
  • Psychiatrists primarily help with providing medicinal advice. Psychologists focus on diagnosis, psychotherapy, and clinical interventions.  

Mental health support requires a holistic therapeutic plan, which involves psychotherapy and medications. Hence, you can consult a psychiatrist and psychologist at the same time. 

Should I see a psychiatrist or psychologist?

To decide whom to see, consider factors such as: 

  • Your need for medications 
  • Your therapy goals 
  • Life goals 
  • Your presenting problems 

To start off, we recommend you see a psychologist. 

On the one hand, TYHO psychologists in Australia can identify and diagnose any mental health conditions you may be facing.  

On the other hand, if you struggle with chronic social anxiety  or CPTSD, you can consider talking medications along with therapy.  

Medications are not compulsory. To determine whether you need meds, try to have an open conversation with your healthcare professionals to understand the impacts and benefits of your therapeutic plan.   

Can Australian psychologists diagnose?

Yes, Australian psychologists can diagnose.  

How do I find a psychologist near me?

To find a psychologist near you, visit 

In the TYHO app, you can select various options such as gender, therapy mode, and languages to filter psychologists.  

Visit the list of profiles given after filtering your needs. Review the psychologist’s background, qualifications, and expertise.  

You can also watch their short videos to understand their therapy style.  

Book a session directly from a psychologist’s profile if you like them.   

How long does a session last?

Therapy sessions at TYHO are for 60 minutes. This includes all our services, such as family therapy, kids’ therapy, and couples counselling.  

Uncertain about starting therapy now?

That’s perfectly fine! You’re warmly invited to become a part of our community at TYHO.

Our priority is to ensure a welcoming environment where you can freely discover all aspects of your inner world.

As you take this important decision at your own pace, we encourage you to engage with our community. We offer insightful blog posts, free resources, and interactive events to enlighten, entertain, and inspire.

Online psychologists in Australia - TYHO community and newsletter