Family Counselling SG

Family Counselling in Singapore

Making families stronger together!

Browse through our family counsellors in Singapore, watch their videos, and find the right professional for your family today.

Family counselling in Singapore

Meet Our Family Counsellors in Singapore

TYHO has family counsellors who offer both online (audio & video) and in-person therapy sessions. See the blue label in the short profiles to find the addresses of counsellors who work offline. 

Family counsellor in Singapore - Priyanisha



Nisha specialises in counselling LGBTQ+ clients, and can provide support for mood disorders, manage family relationships and workplace stress.

Starting from S$ 130.80 (w/GST)

Family counsellor in Singapore - Aparna


Psychotherapist & Counsellor

Aparna works with individuals and couples facing anxiety, anger management, stress, depression, existential issues, self-esteem, and relationship issues.

Starting from S$ 174.40 (w/GST)

Alexandra - Family counsellor in Singapore


Professional Counsellor

Alexandra is a psychologist who draws on her multicultural experiences to support clients facing relationship, workplace, and self-esteem issues.

Starting from S$ 174.40 (w/GST)

Family counsellor in Singapore - Jeanette


Professional Counsellor

Jeanette works with couples and families, as well as adolescents and adults facing acute stress. She is also a certified hypnotherapist.

Starting from S$ 130.80 (w/GST)

Therapist Singapore -Josephine



Josephine works with individuals on work stress, anxiety, depression, life transitions, and family and relationship issues.

Starting from S$ 130.80 (w/GST)

Family Counselling in Singapore: Introduction

What Is Family Counselling?

Family counselling (or family therapy) at TYHO is a space where you can seek therapy with other family members to resolve conflicts and improve interpersonal communication. 

During therapy, your counsellor may see your family as a single emotional unit – where your problems affect other members and vice versa. In other words, family therapy focuses on the idea that your personal problems cannot be separated from your family. 

A single unit could also mean that you exist in a system of relationships (ie your family) and your interactions may affect each other’s behaviours, thoughts, and feelings. 

At TYHO, family counsellors in Singapore may draw from approaches such as systemic family therapy to help:

  • Improve and encourage open communication
  • Understand and manage complex situations (eg grief, separation, physical or mental condition)
  • Create a better family dynamic 
  • Improve understanding of each other’s needs and emotions

During therapy, your Therapist may work with multiple members either in group or individual sessions. 

We hold our counsellors to a high standard and assure you that your counsellor is adept at understanding and identifying negative patterns that may contribute to issues in your family. 

Moreover, you can also try individual counselling in Singapore if your family is not yet ready to seek therapy. Your progress in therapy can motivate your family! 

What are the types of family therapy?

TYHO counsellors may use one specific approach or draw from several modalities to address different aspects of familial relationships and interactions. 

Your family counsellor may choose one or more approaches based on your specific issues, family dynamics (ie how your family interacts with each other), and goals of therapy. 

Below are some of the most common types of therapy TYHO counsellors may use:

Structural family therapy (SFT): Your counsellor may use SFT to understand the structure and organisation of your family. Techniques in SFT help identify negative patterns of interactions that may define your family. Afterwards, your counsellor may reshape these unhelpful patterns to manage issues such as blaming, arguing, crossing boundaries, and demeaning each other. 

Systemic family therapy (SFT): Your counsellor may use systemic family therapy to view you as part of your family (and larger systems) and not in isolation from each other. For example, TYHO family counsellors may view problems within the context of school, workplace, and communities. You may overcome issues in your family by understanding the systemic influence. 

Narrative family therapy: Similar to narrative therapy, narrative family therapy focuses on the ‘stories’ that you and your family create about your lives. Your counsellor may work with you and all the members in therapy to help build positive narratives in the family. You may also focus on your family’s collective strengths and capabilities during therapy. 

Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT): Your counsellor may use SFBT to help you overcome issues such as sibling rivalry and guilt tripping with a goal-oriented approach. The therapy may involve setting specific and achievable goals for your family and working on timeframes and strategies to reach these goals. 

What are the benefits of family therapy?

Below are some of the aspects you can expect to improve during family counselling at TYHO: 

  • Communication: Family therapy at TYHO can help you express your emotions and thoughts freely. Improving your communication skills can also increase transparency in the family and prevent several issues, such as misunderstandings and parental gaslighting.   
  • Relationships: Through therapy, you can learn how to be empathetic to each other, acknowledge and appreciate your differences, and improve your understanding of your family members. Most times, truly trying to understand the other person’s actions improves relationships!    
  • Conflicts: TYHO Therapists in Singapore may provide evidence-based tools to help you overcome conflicts without hurting anyone or being disrespectful. Learning therapeutic strategies such as Reversals (ie acting in a way different from your regular patterns of behaviour) could help prevent problems.   
  • Functioning: Seeking therapy with your family can help you manage and overcome personal as well as family issues. Through personalised therapy, your family can handle stress, understand family needs, and work together to function in a healthy way.   
  • Life changes: Your family can go through any change at any point, including moving to a different country or adopting a pet. Family therapy can help you cope during major changes such as divorce, ageing, or the death of a loved one.   
  • Mental health: If you or any member of the family suffers from conditions like anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder – family counselling can help you. In addition to helping the person affected, your counsellor may also focus on parental and caregiver stress.   

Regardless of the issue, family counsellors at TYHO provide both short-term and long-term therapy to help you get the most out of family therapy.  

Psychological Self-Assessment

Singapore Counsellors at Talk Your Heart Out (TYHO)


In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel tired out for no good reason?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel so nervous that nothing could calm you down?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel restless or fidgety?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel so restless you could not sit still?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel that everything was an effort?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel so sad that nothing could cheer you up?



In the past 4 weeks,

about how often did you feel


Self-Assessment Results

family counselling in Singapore

How Can Family Counsellors Help You?

Who is family counselling for?

Family counselling can help families who are going through a tough time, a major life transition, or coping with behavioural or mental health problems in family members. 

Some issues such as financial struggles, grief and even daily stressors (eg job stress or sibling rivalries) could strain the relationship between family members. 

Family therapy in Singapore addresses ongoing conflicts and helps family members develop and maintain a healthy, functional family.

As conflicts arise, family members may find it hard to communicate honestly without hurting each other’s feelings. 

Our Singapore family counsellors create a comfortable space for open communication to reduce unspoken resentment. 

The empathetic space during therapy will help your family understand each other’s perspectives. 

Understanding each other is crucial in creating a therapeutic plan where all family members can work together to address family conflicts.

Depending on your goals, family counselling allows you to:

  • Identify conflicts and develop methods to address them
  • Understand each family member’s perspectives
  • Highlight problematic relational or behavioural patterns
  • Create a treatment plan to improve communication to solve problems
  • Build skills to get through family conflicts in a healthier manner (eg conflict resolution, negotiating responsibilities, assertiveness)
  • Replace dysfunctional behaviours (eg shifting blame) with healthier alternatives
  • Instil trust and honesty between family members
What to do if my family does not want to go for family counselling?

Some things that you can consider doing are:

  • Letting your family members know why you are considering family therapy and how you envision it will benefit your family.
  • Find out why your family members do not want to go for family counselling.
  • Ask your family members what aspect of family counselling makes them uncomfortable, and try to address their doubts.
  • Ask your family if there is anything you can do to make them feel less uncomfortable about trying family therapy.

If you have tried the above suggestions and your family members are still uncomfortable with the idea of family therapy, you can try individual counselling first with a Singapore Therapist on our platform who is best suited to meet your needs.  

We use the term ‘Therapists’ to collectively refer to professional psychologists, psychotherapists, and counsellors. 

In individual therapy, you may work with a psychologist in Singapore on any personal issue that affects you, including the difficulties you face in relation to your family.

As you continue your journey in individual therapy, consider sharing your counselling journey with your family members, as it might help them to feel more open to attending family counselling sessions with you. 

Observing a positive change in you and the relationship you have with your family members may encourage them to try family counselling with a Singapore family Therapist.

Please be assured that all online and offline sessions at TYHO are strictly confidential. Consider sharing confidentiality and privacy details with your family if they may be worried about this.

Note: Only in a crisis situation does your Therapist have a legal and ethical obligation to contact your emergency number. 

Why should one visit a family counsellor?

Family therapy is recommended for those who find that they are/have:

  • Part of a blended family
  • A disconnected family
  • A family member who is experiencing substance abuse
  • Feeling alone in their family
  • Experiencing financial problems
  • Increased conflicts between family members or siblings
  • Dealing with problems in school or work
  • Caring for family members with special needs
  • Trying to cope with the loss or illness of a family member
  • Dealing with infidelity, separation or divorce
  • Arguing about shared custody of children
counselling in Singapore
Family counselling in Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions

Is family counselling a good idea?

It is normal to experience hesitation when deciding whether or not you should book a counselling session, particularly if it would be your first time in therapy. 

Much like other situations we are initially unfamiliar with, we might feel apprehensive or even intimidated. 

The reality is that people attend counselling sessions for all sorts of reasons, and family counselling is no exception. 

Family counselling can be beneficial for families going through a transition (eg parenting counselling) or when family members find it increasingly difficult to communicate effectively with one another. 

Even daily stressors can strain relationships! Family counselling services in Singapore create a safe and comfortable space that fosters open communication.

How much does it cost to see a counsellor in Singapore?

The cost of a therapy session at TYHO varies based on several factors, such as whether the session is for an individual, couple, or family and whether the session is conducted online or in person.

An individual counselling session at TYHO starts from S$ 130.80 (w/GST). If you want to book a family counselling session, it may cost an additional S$ 95.9 (w/GST).

For more details on the price of family counselling in Singapore, visit our pricing page.

Do all my family members have to be present for family counselling in Singapore?

Where possible, it will be beneficial if all relevant parties in the immediate family are present during family counselling sessions. 

However, considerations in relation to age may also be made. For example, discussing certain topics in front of adolescents or children may not be appropriate. 

In such scenarios, your Therapist may suggest not bringing adolescents and/or children for certain segments of the discussion or for selected family therapy sessions.

You can have a conversation about this with your family counsellor to see how you can best navigate the situation. 

What if my main concern involves relatives outside my immediate family?

Determining who needs to be present for family counselling in Singapore depends largely on the concerns and goals of the family. 

There are times when other people who are not in one’s immediate family play a key role in the main reason for seeking family counselling. 

For instance, people in extended families may include grandparents, uncles and aunts, or in-laws. 

Depending on your family’s needs and reasons for seeking family therapy, you can discuss with your counsellor who should attend the sessions.

What if I have a family member who refuses to show up for family counselling sessions?

Having at least one family member who refuses to attend family counselling is common. 

Examples of things you can do include having an open and honest conversation with your family about your reasons for wanting to seek family counselling and how you hope it will help your family specifically. 

When suggesting family counselling, one possibility is to offer different options so your family members have a say in decision-making. 

For instance, you may wish to discuss with your family members which Therapist they prefer and whether the family would like to attend online or in-person family therapy sessions. 

To do so, you can share this link – Here, you can view all the Therapist profiles who offer family counselling in Singapore. 

Encourage your family to visit each counsellor’s profile, watch their short videos, and see the list of therapeutic approaches and issues the counsellor can help with. 

Researching about a counsellor can help increase their trust and interest!

You may also gently ask your family members why they do not want to seek family counselling services. 

Some people also choose to start with individual therapy on their own to gain clarity on how the issues within their family are affecting them individually. 

If you would instead go to therapy alone, you can learn different ways of managing the situation or coping better with both personal and family issues. 

Having one family member who attends individual counselling in Singapore may also normalise the idea of therapy for other family members.

Not Ready for Family Counselling?

We get it! While you’re thinking it over, you’re welcome to connect with our supportive network at TYHO.

In our community, we regularly share helpful and insightful content through blog posts that delve into various aspects of relationships.

Plus, we host free interactive webinars and events that offer practical advice and tips for strengthening your interpersonal bonds.

Family counselling in Singapore - TYHO community and newsletter