Counsellors London

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Counsellors in London

Find someone to talk to today!

Talk Your Heart Out (TYHO) is an online therapy platform. Our counsellors in London provide affordable and personalised care. 

In fact, 98% of TYHO clients would recommend our platform to others. We prioritise your therapy experience with us. Reach out today!

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How Counselling Works on TYHO

In the UK, nearly 1 in 4 people have a mental health disorder – and research shows that most of them infrequently seek help due to stigmatising beliefs and anticipation that help will be difficult to access. We are here to bridge that gap.

On TYHO, we help you find counsellors in the UK who cater to specific cultural, societal, or psychological issues you may face. 

Starting therapy with us is as easy as following just three steps!

Counsellors in London - person looking at phone

Choose Your Counsellor

Find your counsellor by reading about their specialisations, qualifications, and expertise. Watch their short videos and read client reviews to learn more. 

Counsellors in London - TYHO counsellors

Book a Session

Visit the Counsellors full profile and click the ‘Book a Session’ button. Select the date and modality to view the price and availability of your counsellor. 

Online counsellors in the UK - calendar

Start Counselling

Create a TYHO account to confirm your booking. Fill in the Intake Form with your issues and expectations and start counselling through a structured Therapeutic Plan. 

Why Counselling With TYHO?

Connect with Expert Professionals

TYHO counsellors provide unconditional acceptance and support. Find experts who use mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and narrative therapy.

Book Sessions Comfortably

With us, you're in control of your time and routine. TYHO offers therapy slots after work hours, on weekends, and even on the same day.

Join Our Satisfied Clients

TYHO research shows that 98% of our clients are satisfied with our platform and have given 5-star reviews on Google reviews and Trustpilot.

Use TYHO Conveniently

Spend only 60 seconds to book a therapy session with us. View, schedule, and keep in touch with your counsellor all in one place - your account dashboard.

Meet Inclusive Counsellors

Our team of diverse counsellors in London use an approach that is LGBTQ affirmative and they use a trauma-informed lens to help you with your unique needs.

Prioritise Your Privacy

We follow privacy guidelines to protect your personal data and transactions. Your counsellors maintain strict confidentiality during online therapy sessions.

Counselling in the UK: Introduction

In this section, we provide information to improve your therapy experience with us. Here, you can read more about:

  • What counselling is
  • Why TYHO counsellors can help you
  • What type of therapy is right for you

What is counselling?

Counselling is a form of talk therapy (also known as psychotherapy or talking therapy) where you can talk about your emotional distress (eg why you are so emotional), such as low moods, irritability, low self-esteem and so on, with an expert counsellor in London, Manchester, and Birmingham. 

Starting from childhood, we often face a myriad of emotions, situations and experiences – both positive and negative. What we go through at that time can manifest later in our adult lives in several different ways. 

Sometimes, we may not know how to handle these emotions and thoughts. Professional online counselling in London can help you make sense of your past experiences, present challenges, and future goals. 

Why TYHO counsellors?

TYHO counsellors in London are professionals with relevant qualifications and have a minimum master’s in counselling or psychology. 

We have a team of counsellors who provide both video and audio therapy sessions. You can receive support from our counsellors even if you are not based in the UK. 

Counsellors at TYHO also have experience working with specific issues faced by women, men, couples, children, and families. 

Note: All professionals on our platform, including psychotherapists, counsellors and psychologists, are referred to as ‘Therapists’.

Talking to your counsellor can help:

  • Improve your mood
  • Change and replace your negative and unhelpful thought patterns
  • Manage your emotions
  • Improve your interpersonal skills
  • Work on your platonic (ie friendships, families) and romantic relationships

TYHO counsellors are experts in several therapeutic types, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (known as CBT) and motivational interviewing, to help you understand and express your feelings and thoughts clearly and healthily. 

We aim to make you self-reliant whenever you face any challenges in life. Hence, your counsellor will work with you to ensure you can apply the therapeutic skills long after you stop therapy. 

Lastly, at TYHO, all counsellors are empathetic and non-judgmental. This means that during sessions, your counsellor will avoid influencing the decisions and goals you choose to make for yourself. 

What type of therapy is right for me?

The type of therapy that is right for you can depend on several factors, such as:

  • Your reason for seeking therapy
  • Preferred timeline (ie whether you want short-term or long-term counselling)
  • Personality
  • Specific issues you face (eg cognitive behavioural therapy can help with anxiety and mood disorders)

However, please note that your counsellor will determine the best therapy type for you based on the factors above and based on their specialisations. 

Counsellors may draw from several modalities, such as narrative therapy or schema therapy, to help with emotional distress, such as unmanageable anger, depression, lack of confidence, mood swings, etc. 

On the other hand, your counsellor may decide on one particular type of therapy, like Gottman’s Method, if you face issues and conflicts in your relationship (eg narcissistic relationship pattern). 

Feel free to openly discuss with your counsellor about what works best for you. To gain more information, you can also ask your counsellor to brief you on the types of therapy that they are well-versed in and how the approaches might benefit you. 

How Can Therapy Help?

What issues can counselling help with?

If you have ever felt frustrated and hopeless in a relationship or struggled to manage your time at work, you are not alone. 

People go through different types of issues that may affect one or more areas of their lives. For example, if you have work-related stress, you may also struggle to make time for your children or partner. 

Counselling can help you find a balance and improve the overall quality of your life. 

At TYHO, our counsellors in London can help you with issues such as:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Low confidence
  • Communication issues
  • Work-related or personal stress
  • Anger
  • Grief
  • Divorce
  • Family conflict
  • Infidelity
  • Life transitions
  • Marital and premarital issues
  • Academic stress or pressure

Similarly, you can also seek help for the following mental health conditions: 

Note: Visit a TYHO counsellor’s full profile and check the ‘What Therapist Can Help With’ section to see the complete list of issues and conditions. 

What is counselling like?

Counselling can look and feel different for everyone. The therapy style of your counsellor and your presenting problem may contribute to how you feel during and after therapy. 

In the first session, your counsellor might discuss the topics given below:

  • Type of therapy approach 
  • Duration and frequency of therapy
  • Your goals and expectations of therapy
  • Confidentiality and privacy
  • Doubts and questions about therapy

Additionally, to build a solid foundation of counselling, you might have to work on developing a healthy relationship with your counsellor. 

To do so, try to be as open and honest as possible. Your counsellor will work with you to build a good rapport before you proceed with the following therapy sessions. 

You can expect to talk about your:

  • Childhood issues and experiences
  • Past and present relationships
  • Academic and work background
  • Coping mechanisms
  • Emotions you struggle with (eg anger)
  • Personal and family history (including psychological and medical history)

If you are unsure about any of the above topics, it is okay to clarify your doubts with the counsellor at any time. 

Your therapy session will last for 60 minutes, during which you can focus on any one particular issue you need immediate help with or bring up several issues you want to focus on in the long term.

After your first sessions, you will also be discussing how to go forward with therapy in London. At that point, feel free to ask any questions to your counsellor. 

Read the following section to see what questions you can ask your counsellor. 

What questions to ask your counsellor in Birmingham?

There are no right or wrong topics to discuss. Clarifying your doubts will only help build a healthy therapeutic alliance!

Psychotherapy in London is a space where you will work with your counsellor to find a solution to your problems. Your effort during therapy and outside regular sessions could positively impact your life. 

To make sure you get the most out of therapy, try to ask your counsellor as many questions as possible. Engaging in an open conversation will help you gain clarity about the process and ease your nervousness surrounding counselling. 

Some of the questions include:

  • What is the therapeutic plan for me? – Asking about your management plan will give you a bigger picture of what you can expect from therapy and how you will achieve your goals. 
  • How many sessions will I need? – Knowing about the frequency and duration of therapy can help you organise and plan your life around sessions. This way, you can commit to therapy without giving up other activities in your life. 
  • When will I see improvement? – Knowing when to expect positive changes in your life can greatly contribute to your motivation and interest in seeking help. 
  • Are there any limitations to this type of therapy? – If you know the strengths and limitations of a particular type of therapy, you can prepare ways to cope with the cons early on. Your counsellor will also brief you about the therapy type and alternatives. 
  • What will therapy be like with you? – Your counsellor may use a structured program with therapy homework and skill training. On the other hand, some may be more flexible and open to changes. Asking about the style of therapy will help you understand how therapy works.
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Counselling in the UK - two people sitting on the couch

Counselling Services We Offer

At TYHO, we offer online counselling in London to help you cope with issues that appear in various aspects of your life. 

Our counselling services are listed below. Please click the ‘Read More‘ button to learn more about each service and how it can help you.

UK Counsellors at TYHO have training in several approaches, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and can help you with problems such as anxiety, depression, relationship problems, and coping with significant life changes (eg changing jobs). 

For example, through CBT, your counsellor will help you identify and change unhelpful thoughts and beliefs about yourself and the world around you. 

Further, you will learn evidence-based tools to develop healthier ways of thinking and behaving. 

If you relate to one or more of the signs below, you could benefit from individual counselling in Manchester:

  • You rely on the same unhealthy patterns of thinking repeatedly.
  • Your mind is exhausted, constantly trying to work things out.
  • You don’t understand what emotions you are facing.
  • You are tired of arguing with your loved ones.
  • You feel misunderstood by your peers.
  • You are curious about how your past influences your present life.
  • You want to heal but don’t know where to start.
  • You fear repeating the same mistakes your parents or family has made.

If you start counselling with TYHO, you may also benefit from personalised care and treatment plans. 

For example, if you are constantly arguing or justifying your actions to your loved ones, your counsellor can help you separate your beliefs from real-life evidence. 

The method of re-enacting your problems in therapy is known as ‘role play’ in CBT and can help you solve problems with more clarity and focus. 

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TYHO counsellors in London have training in the Gottman method and emotionally focused therapy (EFT) and can help you with issues like:

  • Misunderstandings and conflicts 
  • Lack of open communication
  • Trust issues 
  • Emotional distance from your partner

If you relate to one or more of the signs below, you could benefit from couples counselling in the UK

  • You find yourself arguing about the same topics with your partner.
  • You find it hard to express your thoughts openly.
  • You or your partner find it hard to trust each other.
  • You want to end the relationship or take a break.
  • You feel lonely even when you are with your partner.
  • You have issues with emotional connection and physical intimacy.

Your counsellor may use specific tools from EFT, such as 'De-escalation', to help you identify negative patterns in the relationship. 

During the session, your counsellor will take you through the cycles of conflict and disconnection and help you think of new possibilities to connect with your partner and develop empathy. 

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If you are a married couple and face challenges in your marriage or simply want to prepare for the different stages of your married life (eg having children), marriage counselling in London can help you. 

Marriage counselling can help you:

  • Express your feelings without hurting each other
  • Find a middle ground during arguments and disagreements
  • Take mutual and planned decisions
  • Discuss your roles in marriage
  • Prepare for new marriage roles together, such as having children or adopting pets
  • Gain a deeper understanding of each other's needs

Our counsellors in the UK use guided and structured therapy programs to help you bond with your spouse. 

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Our counsellors are experts in approaches such as systemic family therapy and can help you address the following:

  • Conflicts with parents, siblings, or grandparents
  • Generational gap
  • Communication issues
  • Sibling rivalries
  • Middle child syndrome

In systemic family therapy, your family will be viewed as a whole unit, and your counsellor will explore how your (or any family member's) actions affect the entire family. Collectively, you will work on solutions with all the people involved. 

If any of the following situations resonate with you, you might benefit from family counselling:

  • You notice that your family frequently argues and are constantly frustrated with each other. 
  • Your family misunderstands each other.
  • You find it hard to connect with your parents due to generational gaps.
  • Your family finds it hard to make decisions.
  • You notice that a member of the family is often excluded from discussions.
  • You or someone in the family suffers from a mental health condition.

You will work with a family counsellor in London who can help your family understand each other's perspectives, communicate more effectively, and learn tools to resolve conflicts. 

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If you are experiencing grief and the profound pain of loss, TYHO grief counsellors in London can help you. 

Through grief counselling, you will have the space to explore your complicated emotions surrounding loss. 

Grief includes the death of a loved one, separation, losing friends, changing jobs, or even anticipatory grief. Anticipatory grief is grieving ahead of time due to fear of the loss of a loved one.  

Grief counselling could help you if you identify with any of the following:

  • You've experienced a loss and find it hard to cope with the intense emotions you feel.
  • You feel overwhelming sadness or a sense of numbness when you recall your loss. 
  • You find it difficult to engage in daily activities or to plan for the future.
  • You feel lonely or isolated even when you are with other people. 
  • You're struggling with unresolved issues or feelings towards the person you've lost.
  • You have less or no appetite, and you cannot fall or stay asleep due to your grief. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is counselling in the UK?

At TYHO, counselling in the UK costs 95 USD for a 60-minute session.

The prices may vary based on the types of services (ie individual counselling or couples counselling) and discount packages.

Is therapy free in London?

If you are a student, you can consult your school counsellor to check if they provide free therapy. 

Similarly, you can also contact your religious organisation, such as your church, to check if they provide free or low-cost counselling. 

If you are employed, it is worth checking if your company offers Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). 

At TYHO, we provide EAP services to companies of all sizes. 

By joining our program, you can access partially subsidised online counselling sessions as well as all our features and workshops. 

We provide workshops on mental well-being and personal and professional development. Moreover, you can seek expert help for both personal and workplace issues. 

Some of the topics we conduct workshops on include:

  • Understanding burnout
  • Managing grief
  • Coping with change
  • Goal setting
  • Sleeping well
  • Relationship issues
  • Assertiveness at work
  • Self-care for busy professionals

In case your company doesn’t have an EAP program, you can refer them to the link below!


Is a counsellor as good as a psychologist?

Yes, all mental health professionals who are qualified and have the required training are good. 

We use the term ‘Therapists’ to collectively refer to our counsellors, psychologists, and psychotherapists.

At TYHO, both our counsellors and psychologists are trained in several approaches, such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), and narrative therapy. 

Online UK counsellors at TYHO can also help you with a broad range of personal, relationship, family, and workplace issues. 

On the other hand, psychologists can help with managing serious disorders and mental health conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. 

In every Therapist’s full profile, you can view the issues they can help with, their qualifications, and therapeutic approaches. 

Please get in touch with us at [email protected] if you need help selecting an online counsellor in London. You can also WhatsApp us for the same (click the WhatsApp icon in the bottom right to chat). 

How to become a counsellor in London?

At TYHO, we require all our professionals, including counsellors, to have a minimum of a master’s in counselling or psychology and professional training or certification in the relevant approach or service. 

In addition, we use a strict screening process to choose online counsellors who align with TYHO core values – which include being empathetic, open-minded, and sensitive to diverse cultures and backgrounds. 

If you would like to join TYHO as a counsellor, please reach out to us via the link given below. 

Join Us 

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