Anxiety Therapy in Singapore
Find a qualified anxiety counsellor to talk to today!
At TYHO, we go above and beyond to ensure you receive the highest quality anxiety therapy in Singapore.
- Singapore-based counselling platform
- 98% of our clients would recommend TYHO
- Strict selection process with 10% acceptance rate for counsellors
- Online & In-person (various locations)
- 70+ vetted & multicultural counsellors in Singapore
- Same day & after hours (incl weekend) sessions available
Anxiety Counsellors Who Can Help
Have you considered anxiety therapy in Singapore? Below are some of our Singaporean Therapists who may be able to assist.
- Just Co @ International Plaza
Nisha specialises in counselling LGBTQ+ clients, and can provide support for mood disorders, manage family relationships and workplace stress.
Starting from S$ 130.80 (w/GST)
Avanti is able to help clients facing anxiety, depression, panic attacks, trust issues, and financial stress.
Starting from S$ 130.80 (w/GST)
Professional Counsellor
- TYHO Room (Chinatown)
Gowri works with individuals and couples facing relationship issues, loneliness, communication problems, self-love, family relationships, and habit change.
Starting from S$ 130.80 (w/GST)
Professional Counsellor
- Rifle Range Nature Reserve
Alexandra is a psychologist who draws on her multicultural experiences to support clients facing relationship, workplace, and self-esteem issues.
Starting from S$ 174.40 (w/GST)
Anxiety is how our mind reacts to dangerous or stressful situations. When we feel anxious, we may become upset, uneasy, or scared.
A certain intensity of anxiety can help us stay alert and protect us from harm. However, an anxiety disorder can be debilitating.
Anxiety therapy in Singapore can reduce negative thoughts, mood swings, obsessions, and sleep or appetite issues.
Symptoms of Anxiety
If you relate to 2 or more of the below symptoms, anxiety counselling in Singapore can help you.
Common signs of anxiety include:
- Constant feelings of worry, panic, or fear
- Restlessness or always feeling on edge or like something might go wrong
- Rapid heart rate or breathlessness
- Shortness of breath
- Irritability or frustration
- Muscle pain or headaches
- Fatigued or emotional exhaustion (eg feeling drained)
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Insomnia or difficulty falling or staying asleep
- Trembling and shaking
What Causes Anxiety?
Anxiety is a response we usually give when we are in danger.
It is our survival mechanism, similar to the ‘fight or flight’ response – the two primary responses to perceived threats that allowed our ancestors to react swiftly to danger.
Now, we do not face danger from predators. Instead, the danger we perceive occurs from social and environmental interactions.
The causes of anxiety can vary for everyone. Common causes include:
- Environmental factors such as abuse or divorce
- Medical factors such as thyroid or heart diseases
- A hereditary or genetic redisposition can cause anxiety
- Trauma in the brain circuits can lead to uncontrollable emotions and anxiety
- Excessive use of caffeine or alcohol can contribute to the symptoms
The above are a mix of cause and risk factors. Hence, one factor in isolation does not cause an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety psychologists can help you identify the causes of your anxiety and find a way to overcome the symptoms.
What Does Anxiety Feel Like?
You may feel constantly scared, worried, or nervous if you have anxiety.
Anxiety feels similar to the nervousness you may have before a big presentation or event – except with anxiety disorder; those feelings do not fade away after the event.
Feeling anxious all the time can affect your daily life negatively. For example, you may find it hard to unwind, relax, or engage in self-care activities such as journalling or meditation.
Additionally, you may also experience traumatic physical symptoms such as a racing heartbeat, fast breathing, or an unsettled feeling in the stomach (ie, it may feel like your stomach ‘dropped’ or feels heavy).
Sometimes, the physical symptoms may be subtler than the emotional symptoms. Other times, physical symptoms can be so intense that it feels like a heart attack. As explained before, both physical and emotional symptoms can manifest differently for everyone.
In severe situations or if you have chronic anxiety, you may feel an ‘impending doom’ – as if something terrible is about to happen, even when you are safe.
Some people may face a constant but low level of anxiety. In contrast, others may have rare but intense bouts of anxiety, often called panic attacks.
Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, if you are suffering from mild or severe emotional distress, please reach out to seek anxiety therapy in Singapore.
Types of Anxiety Disorders
A counsellor can help treat all types of anxiety during anxiety treatment.
Below are the 6 common types of anxiety disorders.
1. Generalised Anxiety Disorder
GAD includes chronic and excessive worry that is difficult to control and lasts at least six months.
Individuals with GAD often anticipate disaster and are excessively concerned about everyday matters such as health, money, family, or work.
The constant state of worry can make it difficult for them to perform daily tasks.
Other common signs include struggles with overcoming procrastination, concentration, difficulty paying attention, and indecisiveness.
2. Panic Disorder
Panic disorder includes recurrent and unpredictable panic attacks – which is an episode of fear or worry that intensifies within just a few minutes.
Symptoms of panic disorder include trembling, heavy breathing, sweating, and feeling like you are in constant danger even when you are safe.
The symptoms can vary depending on individual experience. For example, some may have heavy breathing while others may have more physical symptoms such as muscle pain or soreness.
People who struggle with panic attacks constantly live in the fear of dreading the next episode.
Due to the constant preoccupation – affected people may start to avoid places or situations that trigger anxiety.
For example, someone who had a pain attack in their office may start to avoid their co-workers or may even quit work to specifically look for remote or work-from-home jobs to avoid experiencing the same situation again.
Quitting work abruptly may cause issues in other aspects of life, such as finances. Sometimes, the experience may also lead to low self-esteem or a lack of trust in oneself.
In other cases, people with panic disorders may altogether avoid social events or meeting other people and develop agoraphobia.
Agoraphobia is the fear of interacting, social settings, or circumstances that may cause panic. It was previously known as social phobia.
3. Specific Phobias
Phobia, in general, is an intense, irrational, and uncontrollable fear of an object or situation.
The phobia is usually not related to the actual danger of the object. For example, some people may fear developing a disease, even when they are healthy and have not previously experienced any physical health issues. This phobia is known as nosophobia.
Sometimes, a person’s phobia might be directly associated with the harm that a specific object or situation has caused. For example, if someone had a negative experience with swimming (eg slipping inside the pool), they may develop a fear of drowning, known as thalassophobia.
Even the mere thought of water or a pool could trigger intense feelings of fear and dread. Hence, in severe cases, people may even avoid travelling to places with a waterbody.
People with specific phobias may also constantly check their surroundings to avoid their feared object. The preoccupation may increase stress and anxiety.
Interestingly, according to research, nearly 53% of Singaporeans fear drowning, and it is the most common phobia faced in Singapore.
4. Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety is now also known as social phobia. People with social anxiety may have intense fears and stress related to social situations.
The fear is closely linked to embarrassment or uncontrollable thoughts about being negatively judged or perceived by others.
However, social phobia and shyness are quite different from each other. A person with shyness may feel embarrassed or shy talking or interacting with people, but it does not affect their life in any way.
People with social anxiety may avoid activities such as making friends, talking to strangers, speaking in groups, or even eating in front of other people.
The idea is that not everyone who is shy has social anxiety, but everyone who has social anxiety may show certain signs of shyness.
5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
OCD is a major subcategory of anxiety disorders. It includes recurring, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (compulsions).
People with OCD may feel compelled to engage in certain routines or rituals that they have created for themselves. The rituals could consume a lot of time and significantly affect their daily lives.
For example, someone with OCD might feel compelled to count to 100 before every work meeting and associate the action with overcoming feelings such as work-related stress or anxiety.
The rituals may become a problem when the person is late for the meeting – however, they may still refuse to join until they finish their count.
6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
A person may develop PTSD if they have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event in their childhood or adult life.
Symptoms of PTSD may include intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings about the event long after it has ended.
The symptoms can manifest as flashbacks, anxiety, nightmares, or extreme preoccupation with the traumatic memories.
For example, a person who suffered from domestic violence may have constant flashbacks related to the violent memories. Due to the recollection, they may avoid meeting other family members, relationships, or even friends for fear of getting hurt again.
PTSD can also cause sleeping issues and may also have difficulty concentrating or focusing during the day.
Anxiety disorders often co-exist with PTSD, as the symptoms may overlap due to the similarity.
PTSD is treatable. Many TYHO Therapists in Singapore are trauma-informed. Please visit each Therapist’s profile to see if they can help you with PTSD (ie see the ‘Issues Therapist Can Help With’ section).
Related Pages
- Panic Attack: Signs & Treatment
- What Is an Anxiety Attack and How to Stop It
- Does Therapy Work? A Guide to Start Therapy in Singapore
- 4 Types of Therapy: How to Make a Choice
- Why Am I So Emotional? 13 Common Reasons and What You Can Do
- 5 Self-Care Tips for Mental Health
- FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out And the Psychology Behind It
- Psychological Techniques to Cope with Anxiety
Myths and Facts About Anxiety
There are many myths and misconceptions about anxiety disorders. Here are eight of them:
Anxiety Therapy in Singapore
Regardless of the type and severity of your anxiety (ie mild, moderate, severe), anxiety therapy in Singapore can help you.
On TYHO, you can receive holistic support through psychotherapy in Singapore, self-care strategies, and free access to several mental health resources.
Read this section to learn more about the types of anxiety treatment TYHO counsellors in Singapore may use to help you. Additionally, we also share information on how you can get the most benefits out of anxiety counselling!
Types of Anxiety Therapy in Singapore
1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
In CBT, individuals are guided to recognise thoughts that cause them distress. For example, a person who automatically associates workplace challenges with personal failure would be helped to notice this pattern.
Subsequently, TYHO Therapists work with clients to reframe such negative thoughts. The person might learn to see such challenges as opportunities for personal development instead of personal inadequacies.
Practical coping strategies form an essential part of CBT. Techniques like visualisation exercises are explored during anxiety therapy sessions.
For example, someone afraid of flying might practice calming visualisations of peaceful travel.
2. Exposure Therapy
Exposure therapy helps reduce fear and avoidance behaviours associated with anxiety triggers.
The therapeutic process involves gradual and controlled exposure to a client’s anxiety triggers.
For instance, an individual with a spider phobia may first be shown pictures of spiders. Progressively, exposures become more direct, allowing the individual to hold a spider or be in a room with one.
The goal is for the person to learn that their fears are often outsized compared to reality. Exposure reduces their instinctual fear response.
3. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
DBT includes elements from traditional CBT exercises and combines mindfulness activities.
Anxiety psychologists use tools like body scan to help clients focus on the present moment.
Mindfulness techniques are especially helpful when the person utilises them outside therapy sessions.
For example, someone with social anxiety may learn therapeutic DBT tools and focus on conversations and their bodily reactions instead of worrying about other people’s perceptions.
Some of the other DBT tools include distress tolerance and emotional regulation.
Through these methods, people learn to accept and overcome distressing emotions without relying on maladaptive behaviours (eg rash driving or consuming excessive alcohol).
4. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
ACT encourages the acceptance of all thoughts as transient mental events.
Cognitive diffusion, a central technique in ACT, helps individuals perceive thoughts as mere words, not factual truths.
A person fearing a job interview might believe, “I will fail because I’m not good enough.” Cognitive diffusion would guide them to see this thought as just that – a thought, not an inevitable truth.
ACT also encourages commitment to actions aligning with personal values. It helps individuals live meaningful lives despite their anxiety.
Anxiety Counselling in Singapore: What to Expect
Below are some of the things you can expect when you start anxiety treatment at TYHO:
Initial assessment: The first session will involve a comprehensive assessment. Your Therapist will enquire about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle to understand your experiences and needs.
Therapeutic plan: Your Therapist will develop a personalised therapeutic plan based on your assessment and the information you share about your background. The plan may include an outline of the therapeutic approach and the goals you will work towards. Your Therapist will also provide their clinical impressions.
Skill learning: As therapy progresses, you will learn and practise new skills to manage anxiety. Therapeutic skills could be cognitive strategies to challenge negative thoughts or relaxation techniques to calm your body.
Regular check-ins: Your Therapist will check your progress and adjust the therapeutic plan as and when necessary. Constantly evaluating your progress ensures the therapy remains tailored to your needs and experiences. This is especially important as your needs for therapy may either stay the same or change every once in a while.
Homework: Therapy often includes tasks to complete outside of sessions. Your Therapist may assign therapy homework, which may include practising newly learned skills, journaling about your experiences (eg tracking your thoughts when you always feel emotional) or challenging yourself to face your triggers.
Long-term strategies: Towards the end of anxiety therapy, your counsellor will work with you to develop a long-term strategy to manage anxiety. Learning therapeutic tools to use in your real life will help you maintain your progress even after therapy ends.
How to Make the Most of Anxiety Counselling
Firstly, try to find a TYHO Therapist you truly trust. To do so, you can visit each Therapist’s page and read about issues they can help with, qualifications, specialisations, and therapeutic approaches.
You can also watch the Therapist’s short videos to get to know them better before you book a session.
You can determine if a Therapist is the right match for you by looking at factors such as safety and open-mindedness. If you feel safe enough to openly share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, you may have the right match.
Be assured that we select only those professionals who strongly align with TYHO’s core values – which include empathy, non-judgmentalism, and open-mindedness.
However, if you don’t feel comfortable with your current Therapist, please feel free to change. Finding the right professional for your needs may take some time, but it is an important factor that sets the foundation of anxiety therapy in Singapore.
Secondly, try to use therapeutic tools even outside therapy sessions. Using tools can involve completing assigned therapy homework, trying new skills such as cognitive restructuring, or reflecting on your previous sessions.
The work you do outside of your sessions can greatly improve the progress you make within them.
Finally, do not be afraid to provide feedback to your Therapist!
If you are finding certain aspects of therapy difficult, or if you are not sure you are making progress – discussing these concerns with your Therapist can be hugely beneficial.
Questions to ask your therapist:
- What type of therapy will work best for me and why?
- How will we track progress during therapy?
- What should I do if I feel anxious outside sessions, and don’t have a scheduled call in the near future?
- What can I do to get the most benefits from therapy?
Preparation for therapy:
- Make a list of your symptoms and concerns to discuss in your first session.
- Talk about significant life events and relationships (eg either past or current romantic relationships).
- Write down any questions you have about anxiety therapy.
- Think about your goals and needs for therapy. Having clear goals can help guide the process. It can help to write down your goals as well.
Remember, anxiety counselling is a space shared between you and your counsellor in Singapore. By actively engaging with the process and keeping open lines of communication, you can make significant strides towards managing your anxiety.
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