Mental health services in Malaysia

Mental Health Services in Malaysia

According to recent community surveys, around 20% of Malaysians in primary care complain of depression and anxiety symptoms. A person’s …

Depression Anxiety Stress Scale

Depression Anxiety Stress Scale

66.4% overcome depression & anxiety symptoms after therapy Find a Therapist Updated on 8 July 2024 The depression anxiety and …

Therapist explaining meaning of therapists and what they do.

Meaning of Therapists & What They Do

Therapists help reduce or alleviate symptoms of mental distress Find a Therapist Updated on 16 July 2024 Seeking therapy has …

4 simple and easy steps to choose the right Therapist in KL

Your Guide to Find a Therapist in KL, Malaysia

Almost 75% gain significant benefits from talk therapy Find a Therapist Updated on 9 July 2024 If you are here …

A person standing and point down at the types of therapy.

4 Types of Therapy: How to Make a Choice

Therapy has a 75% success rate in treating mental distress Start therapy today Updated on 17 July 2024 If this …

A client giving a handshake to a Therapist during a therapy session.

Does Therapy Work? A Guide to Start Therapy in Singapore

75% of those who seek therapy are better able to function in their lives Find a Therapist Updated on 4 …

A person climbing metaphorical steps towards a goal sign, indicating personal development.

Personal Development Through Therapy

60% report success in personal development through therapy Find a Therapist Updated on 1 July 2024 Are you looking to …

A couple is sitting opposite the Therapist to improve their relationship. The couple are holding hands and looking at each other lovingly.

Improving Relationships Through Couples Therapy

90% improve their relationship after seeking couples therapy Find a Therapist Updated on 17 July 2024 Improving relationships is not …

A pair of hands holding a notebook with the text “helpful tips” for finding a therapist in Singapore.

How to Find the Right Therapist in Singapore

70% report success in therapy after finding the right therapist Find a Therapist Updated on 9 July 2024 Finding the …

Two people share a tablet and discuss what therapy is in a friendly, collaborative manner.

What is Therapy and Different Types of Therapy

About 75% of people who enter therapy show benefit from it Find a Therapist Updated on 5 July 2024 From …